One of the aims of scouting is character development. Some activities help Cub Scouts think about how they can make the right choices in their everyday lives. Cub Scouts also learn the basics of emergency preparedness. Finally , the Cub Scout motto – Do Your Best – serves as a guide for Scouts’ actions and participation
In the outdoors, scouts have opportunities to acquire skills that make them more self-reliant. They have a safe place to fail. They can explore hiking trails, canoe, try shooting sports and complete challenges they first thought were beyond their ability. There is no greater teacher than the great outdoors.
Scouting programs instill in youth the values found in the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Scouting is all about serving others. Cub Scout Pack 289 regularly participates in park cleanups, food drives and other activities that directly benefits our community.
All advancement for Pack 289 is done through Scoutbook. Parents and Den Leaders can mark off scouts as they work on requirements. Once approved, the advancements will become part of your Scouts’ official record.
View ScoutbookJoining scouting can be daunting at first. What is with all of these acronyms? What is expected of me as a parent? Where do I buy my scout a uniform? Find out answers to these questions and more with our New Family Resource Guide
Open Resource GuidePack 289 is a traditional cub scout pack. We operate according to the BSA established Aims and Methods of Scouting. With over 35 years of scouting history behind us, Pack 289 is a well-trained member of the Scouting community. We are committed to making a difference in the Eastern Prince William County community. Scouts often participate in community service activities such as volunteering time and collecting food for the hungry.
A goal of Cub Scouts is to help youth develop into honorable adults. Scouting’s values can be incorporated into one’s home or school. Scouts have many opportunities to learn skills of leadership, of the outdoors, and of life.