National Capital Area Council | Prince William District

New Family Quick Start Guide

We are happy to hear that you have joined our pack.  A cub scout Pack is broken up into smaller units called Dens.  Dens organized and operated with age-appropriate activities and requirements for advancements to the next level.  The breakdown for which den your scout would be in is below.  If you are joining in the summer your scout will be placed at the den level according to the grade they will be attending in the fall.

Kindergarten – Lions

1st Grade – Tigers

2nd Grade – Wolves

3rd Grade – Bears

4th Grade – Webelo

5th Grade – AOL (second Year Webelo)

Step 1: Sign up at

If you and your Scout would like to join us, the first step in joining Pack 289 would be to follow this link to register online:  Here you will be asked to pay the Council dues for prorated Council dues for the current year and possibly the next coming year.  Currently those fees are $25 new scout processing fee, $75 for dues and $2 for insurance.  You will also be able to subscribe to Scout’s Life magazine for $15 if you wish.

It is a requirement with our Lion and Tiger Dens for a registered Lion/Tiger partner to accompany their scouts to all meetings and outings. If you r scout will be a Lion or Tiger please register yourself or any other caring adult that will be at meetings with your scout as an Adult Lion/Tiger Partner on website as well.  This includes enrolling in and completing the Youth Protection Training on here.

Step 2: Pay Pack Dues and fill out Media Release Form

After signing up at there will be Pack Dues that will need to be paid as well. If applicable, a pro-rated amount will be calculated after the application has been processed.

Dues can be paid in three ways:

  1. A check made out to Pack 289 and brought to your first den meeting
  2. The pack treasurer can invoice you via Square and you can pay via credit card.  A processing fee will apply
  3. You can send a venmo payment to @cubscoutpack289 and include a note with your scout’s name and you are paying pack dues.
  4. Fill out the Media Release form and bring it to your den leader.

Step 3: Log in to Scoutbook

Navigate to and log in with your my.scouting login that you used to submit the application.  After you pay your current year pack dues we will assign your scout to the appropriate den in Scoutbook.  This allows Leaders and Parents to track and approve their scouting achievements.  Scoutbook is also becoming the standard for Pack and Den level communications.  Please ensure the email address that is on your profile is one that you monitor frequently so you don’t miss any pack information. Here is a quick tutorial video on basic Scoutbook things.

Step 4: Purchase a Uniform 

You will need to buy a uniform as well.  You can find all of the items at the Northern Virginia Scout Shop, located at 5232 Port Royal Rd, Springfield, VA  22151, or online at

There you would purchase:

  • The blue Cub Scout shirt (You can get one at the store with all the Council patches already sewn on; if you order online you will have to purchase those separately).
  • Belt (to hold the belt loops that Cub Scouts earn)
  • Current level Scout Hat
  • Current level Neckerchief slide (the Pack will provide the neckerchief)
  • Current Level Cub Scout Handbook
  • Optional- official socks (any navy will do)
  • Optional- uniform pants/shorts (any navy, including jeans, will do).

The Pack will provide a neckerchief, Den patch, and Pack 289 patch after the payment of Pack dues.

We also have “Class B” uniforms, known as “blueberries” which are simply blue Pack 289 t-shirts and sweatshirts.  These will be available for ordering a few times a year so keep an eye on emails where someone may be selling them.

Step 5: Start coming to Den Meetings

If you haven’t already met your den leader either through email or in person please check out the individual Den pages on this site.  The den leader’s email will be there.  Please reach out to them to find out when and where den meetings will be held.

Have Questions?

Joining a new Cub Scout pack can be daunting at first.  We are here to assist you where needed.

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You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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