Popcorn sales run from August through October. You might ask yourself: “Why should my scout sell popcorn?” The answer: It helps to fund the Pack and Scouting in general to offset the cost of dues and to help us build the quality programs your child richly deserves. In short, the more popcorn we sell, the more funds we will have for everything from awards and advancements to outings to Pinewood Derby Tracks.
Remember: Payment is due at the time of order.
We do encourage the scouts to participate in the pack fundraising. The scout is responsible for earning $100 for every $1 of popcorn the scout sells the pack will get about 1/3 of that or about 33 cents. This means that if a scout sells $300 of popcorn, they would earn the pack $100 after the cost of the product and the Council. This requirement could be waived if the parents pay the $100. If the scout sells popcorn and does not reach the $300 goal the Parents would be responsible for the remainder of the $100 cost. Parents may also elect to pay the whole $100 and not have their scout sell. That said, Popcorn sales helps the scouts gain confidence and a sense of pride knowing that they are paying their own way through the program. This is our primary fundraiser and we do encourage all scouts to “Do Your Best” to participate.
Every family is asked to sign up for 2-3 storefront shifts throughout the course of the popcorn sale. In order to signup, login to the Trail’s end app and click the storefronts icon on the bottom of the app and select the date you wish to sign up for. All of the available shifts will be listed. Click ‘Sign up’ to register your scout for that shift.
Pack 289 has chosen to split storefront sales over the course of the entire sales year. This means scouts will receive credit for the hours they sold at storefronts multiplied by the average hourly rate sold by your unit for the entire year. This means that the amount your scout has earned may fluctuate up/down during the sale based on the number of hours worked and how much the pack has sold.
Example: Ten Scouts sign up and sell at a Storefront shifts during the popcorn sale. All sales will be divided equally by the total hours worked by all Scouts and multiplied by the amount sold per shift worked.
You can contact the Popcorn Kernel at popcorn@cubscoutpack289.org to arrange to pickup popcorn for a wagon sale. Wagon sales are contingent on the Pack having enough inventory to allow for scouts to ‘check out’ popcorn. This is done on a first come first serve basis. Scout families are responsible for providing any petty cash for change during the sale. We ask that all cash sales be given the Popcorn Kernel as soon as practicable so that it can be properly accounted for.
All sales must be processed through the Trails End app. If you would like to use the form to record sales for entry later, you can contact the Popcorn Kernel at the email popcorn@cubscoutpack289.org
According to Pack 289 Standard Operating Procedures, the first $100 of “profit” for each scout goes directly to the pack to help offset operating costs ($300 in sales). Anything earned above and beyond this is tracked for each scout and may be used by that scout to help pay for scout activities such as camping, uniform parts, scout books, etc. They can even use their scout account to pay for pack dues!! The more funds you help raise, the more you can help to lower the cost of scouting for your child!